Friday, March 7, 2008

Week #28 TA DA! getting organized, maybe...

After spending some time reading about getting things done I realize I have a lot to learn about getting all my "ducks in a row" An interesting thought about removing stuff from your head and parking those thoughts somewhere more concrete and readily assesable. There are far better ways to keep lists than writing stuff down on a post it note and then forgetting where you put it. First thing I learned by reading GTD was HOW to get my work and personal information in order.
First I separated my work email from my personal email. I canceled all junk email by unscribing to as many as I could, and what ones I wanted to keep changed it to my personal email. I signed up for TA Da, thought I could find a use for organizing lists. With this wedding coming up there is a great many things to keep track of, like all the many many things we have to buy and what we have already bought, cost of things, guests and the like. So now I can add that to my Tada list and keep track and I can also set it up so that anyone can add to our wedding lists. Pretty cool.
So I think I am on my way to good organizing!

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